Uncommon Chairs &#8211

This past weekend I had the good fortune to accompany Roy Underhill and Peter Ross on a visit to a chair exhibit at the North Carolina History Center in New Bern, N.C. It is a collection of 75 turned “common” chairs from northeastern North Carolina. The guest curators, Mark Wenger and Hiram Perkinson, did a wonderful job of gathering and documenting the chairs for the exhibit.



The angled rungs on this chair are original, made to lean back. The chair is  from the Hertford County, N.C., courthouse.
This walnut chair  from Northhampton County, N.C., was my favorite. It’s appeal might be because the over bore on the right front leg reminds me of something I would do.

The exhibit runs thru Sept. 17, and is free to the public. Tryon Palace is a couple blocks away from the history center and well worth checking out, too.

— Will Myers

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