100 More ‘Anarchist’s Tool Chest’ Posters in Stock &#8211


We have finally figured out how many letterpress “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” posters we have left in stock after shipping out all of the last batch. And after replacing damaged ones. And replacing the damaged replacements.

We have 100 we can sell. They are now in our store for $25, which includes packaging and shipping in the United States. (I apologize that our Canadian warehouse does not have stock on this poster. If we have any left after this round, we will send some to Canada.)

All of the posters have been personally signed by me. The image was hand drawn by Randall Wilkins and converted to a polymer plate that Steamwhistle Letter Press used to make these old-school posters. They are printed on heavy #100 stock and, unlike on an offset printing job, you can feel the impressions left by the printing process.

Every poster is just a little different. Different ink spread. Different register on where the impression hit the page. Different signature!

You can order yours here.

— Christopher Schwarz, who is praying to the poster goddess (Cheryl Tiegs) right now.

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