Good News/Bad News on the Letterpress Posters &#8211


Sweet mother of murder I am tired of writing about these posters. I have concluded they are cursed and exist only to suck the life out of me.

Bad news: Classic Hand Tools in the UK received its shipment of 50 posters. The custom box I constructed looked fine from the outside. But when they opened it, somehow the entire interior was waterlogged and the posters had melted together into one icky mass.

Apparently I forgot to check the box on the postal form saying the box was not a surfboard or sea anemone porn.

Bad news: Apparently postal employees are having sword fights with the hardy tubes we’ve used to ship these posters. So many have been mangled that it feels like a vendetta.


Good news: I spent the afternoon at Steamwhistle Press helping to make another 500 posters. Brian Stuparyk at Steamwhistle actually let me run the press for part of the run – pressing buttons and turning knobs. Very exciting.

The 500 new posters are drying now and I’ll pick them up on Monday. Then we’ll start dispatching them – a replacement shipment to Classic Hand Tools and (I hope) a few more to sell on our web site.

I asked John to punch me in the ovaries the next time I suggested we print a poster.

— Christopher Schwarz

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