‘Campaign Furniture’ for Sale Around the World &#8211

Our latest letterpress bookplate design from http://www.steamwhistlepress.com/
Our latest letterpress bookplate design from http://www.steamwhistlepress.com/

“Campaign Furniture” has broken all of our sales records here at Lost Art Press, which has made it difficult for our fulfillment service to keep up (don’t worry, they are only a day or two behind). And we’ve just about run out of signed letterpress bookplates (don’t worry, more are on the way on Tuesday).

We can only hope that our retailers are enjoying the enthusiasm for the book. Many of our retailers have now put the book on their web sites. Here are some links.

Lee Valley Tools of Canada is selling the book for $31.
Tools for Working Wood in Brooklyn is selling the book for $31.
Henry Eckert Fine Tools in Australia is selling the book for $48 AUS.
Classic Hand Tools in Great Britain is taking orders for the book for £28.

— Christopher Schwarz

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