Roubo Pre-publication Offer Extended to Jan. 31 &#8211


This is going to sound like marketing garbage. It really isn’t.

Several readers have requested that we extend the deadline for taking pre-publication orders of the forthcoming deluxe edition of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry.”

These readers have requested the extension because they have lots of bills due from the holiday season – and an extra 30 days would help them shore up their finances before placing the $100 deposit on the book.

Because we haven’t placed our order with the printer yet, we can extend the deadline. And so we will.

That means you now have until Jan. 31, 2013, to place a $100 deposit on the luxe edition of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible” and have your name listed in the book as a “Subscriber.”

For more details on this version of the book, read our description in the store here.

This week I’ll post an update on the Roubo project and include an FAQ on all the Roubo-related books in the pipeline.

— Christopher Schwarz

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