Contest: Guess the Weight of the Empty Studley Chest &#8211


UPDATE: The contest is over. We have a winner. Announcement to come.

One of the factoids we want to include in Don Williams’ forthcoming book “Virtuoso” is the weight of the H.O. Studley tool chest – both loaded and unloaded.

Today we weighed the unloaded chest on an analog scale. Yes, we know it’s not as precise as (add your type of scale here). But it is what we have.

scale_IMG_7961Before we put the chest on the scale, we all took a guess as to the weight. Now it’s your turn.

Guess the weight in pounds of the unloaded tool chest before midnight on Wednesday, Oct. 24, by leaving a comment below. The closest or exact guess will win one Studley T-shirt.

Please note:

1. The chest is fully unloaded of all its tools and drawers. Nothing more could be removed from the chest.

2. If two people guess the same weight, the first person to guess that weight is the winner.

3. No, we’re not answering any more questions about the chest for this contest. Guess, and be done with it.

4. Please guess in whole numbers. Our scale does not read fractions of a pound.

5. Do NOT send me an e-mail with your guess. The only valid entry is in the comments below.

— Christopher Schwarz

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