Ulbrich Coronavirus Update (March 20, 2020)


Ulbrich Coronavirus Update (March 20, 2020)

These are unprecedented times that our society is going though right now. In this most difficult time that most of us have ever faced, we wanted to give you another update on Ulbrich.

Ulbrich continues to operate worldwide as an essential business. Our products are needed in the medical, defense, power generation markets and are used in critical safety products. We want you to know that we are operating and able to serve each and every one of them.

Our employee safety is our number one priority and we are working every day to achieve that goal. Everyone is safe and focused. We have some positions operating at home to lower the contact of personnel. Our supply chain is operating as of Friday 3/20/2020 fully worldwide.

Please reach out to your Ulbrich contact if you need any information. Our teams are available to you thanks to the systems we have put in place.

Our world will get through this and with increased resolve for preventing future pandemics like this which have disrupted our lives to the core.

If you are receiving this, you matter greatly to us here at Ulbrich. Thank you for enriching our company, and for your friendship and support.

God bless you and your families.

Chris Ulbrich. CEO and Jay Cei. COO

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