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Drop Safe

What is a drop safe

There are so many different ways to secure your property from criminals and all kinds of other threats. You can purchase a qualitative door that can resist all kinds of attacks and equip it with a high-security lock. Another great way to provide your building with a high level of protection is to install a security system. Usually, it has cameras, motion detectors, alarms, fire detectors, etc. Even though all these measures are really effective and they’re most likely to stop the criminal from breaking into your house or office, there’s still a possibility the intruder will manage to overcome them.
In case that happens, it’s always better to come up with a way to protect the items that are inside the building. Many people use safes for that purpose, as criminals usually take things that are on the surface. There are many different safe types to choose from. Today, we want to discuss one in particular – a drop safe.

burglar tries to open a safe

What is a burglar safe

Have you ever been wondering if <a href="/blog/why-is-a-safe-a-great-investment/">a safe is a good investment</a>? If yes, then we have a few reasons to prove to you that safes can be extremely useful.
First of all, a safe can provide the highest level of protection for your valuables in case a break-in occurs. Even if the criminals somehow manage to get inside your house, they’re more likely to take things that are on the surface. They wouldn’t want to spend much time dealing with a safe lock.
A safe cannot only protect your assets from stealing but also from some other outside factors that might damage them. Today, you can choose between various fireproof and waterproof safes.
Now, we want to talk about a certain safe type – burglar safe. Let’s discuss what benefits it can offer you and how to define whether your safer is burglar-resistant.

wall safe

The best wall safes of 2022

Unfortunately, more than 2,5 million burglaries occur annually in the United States. There are various security measures you may take to avoid becoming part of constantly growing <a href="/blog/usa-burglary-statistics-2021/">burglary statistics</a>. However, none of them give you a 100% percent guarantee that it’ll stop the intruder. So, it’s essential not only to protect your house from the outside but to secure the valuable items that are inside.
To do that, you need to purchase a safe. Consider installing a concealed in-wall safe that’ll enhance your security even more. These safes are hidden, so most criminals won’t even notice them. They’re much harder to break than regular safes as well.
Sure Lock & Key has been working with various types of safes for years. Today, we’re going to discuss some of the best wall safes. Maybe, our little guide will help you decide which safe is suitable for your needs.

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