Meet Tina! – Life Unlocked

Tina, Administrative assistant

Follow the paper trail at Klevio and there’s every chance it’ll have Tina’s finger prints all over it. Whether it’s managing invoices, delivery notes, archiving or contracts, she’s the one you’ll find shuffling and filing all the paperwork involved.

Despite being a generally mature type, Tina readily admits a major perk of her role is being first in line to pop the bubble wrap on deliveries – it takes all sorts, we suppose. Outside the office, when her young kids allow her, she likes to enjoy the great outdoors as well as test her impressive pastry skills in the kitchen.

We asked her: What door would you open if you could open any door in the world?

She replied: Without a lot of thinking – doors of kindergarten where my kids spend most of their days, hahaha.

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