Anarchist’s Tool Chest on ‘The Woodwright’s Shop’ &#8211

So I’m folded up inside my tool chest like an origami Sasquatch with the lid closed (don’t ask), and I can hear Roy Underhill come into the “The Woodwright’s Shop” to begin the episode.

His voice is muffled through the 7/8”-thick pine, but I can hear him introduce the program.

“And… darn it,” Roy says. “Four seconds in to the show and I cut myself.”

Somehow Roy has brushed against one of my panel saws, and the blood is trickling out. He begins the program again without the aid of a bandage. So I got a souvenir: Two drops of St. Roy’s blood on the inside of my tool chest.

I will start the bidding at $50 per drop of certified Roy Underhill blood.

— Christopher Schwarz

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