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11th Aug 2021

Don’t Underestimate a Rigid Caster | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

Don’t Underestimate a Rigid CasterWhen choosing casters, most people opt for swivel plates for
their flexibility. However, many benefits come with choosing rigid casters. In
some cases, you’re better off using a rigid caster for your needs. Let’s look
at their features and the benefits they can provide:What Is a Rigid Caster?A rigid caster is a fixed wheel where the top blade and stem are
a si…

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11th Aug 2021

5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Casters | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your CastersCaster wheels can become severely damaged or worn when exposed
to harsh environments, including heavy loads, hot and cold temperatures, salt
spray, chemicals, and more. As such, you may notice that your equipment isn’t
performing as well as it used to. This is where it will come in handy to know
just when your caster needs replacing. In this blog post,…

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19th Jul 2021

Work Quickly and Safely with an Industrial Cart | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

Work Quickly and Safely with an Industrial
CartHeavy-duty industrial carts are a must for every industrial
sector. Industrial carts minimize injuries when workers move heavy loads,
making it easier for them to remain productive at work. These are just some of
the reasons why businesses should invest in different LINCO industrial carts.LINCO offers many different types of industrial carts, an…

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19th Jul 2021

​Adjustable Leveling Casters – How Do They Work?| LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

Adjustable Leveling Casters – How Do They Work?Are you looking for a way to move around heavy equipment? Are
you also looking for a way to stabilize them in place at the appropriate
height?You can do both with a set of adjustable leveling casters!
Leveling casters are a solution for moving around heavy equipment. With
leveling casters, you can also ensure that your heavy equipment not only sta…

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19th Jul 2021

Easily Transport Heavy Items Smoothly with the Right Caster | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

Easily Transport Heavy Items Smoothly with the Right CasterLINCO casters are available in different styles, designs, and
materials. While they may all have the same function, choosing the right caster
can make work far easier. Each caster has a specific purpose that allows it to
work within varying conditions. Some are better for indoor spaces, while others
work best in industrial sites.Knowin…

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14th Jun 2021

​The Benefits of Polyurethane Wheels | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

The Benefits of Polyurethane WheelsPolyurethane is the ideal material to absorb shock while
providing durability. It can withstand high speeds and heavier weights more
than any other wheel material. It also reduces noises, so you can expect to use
these wheels without any hassle for long periods. Polyurethane wheels
provide the most benefits to those using them for transport.The Composition of…

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