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20th Apr 2021

Swivel vs. Rigid Casters – What Caster Is Right for Your Application?

Swivel Vs. Rigid CastersCasters are available in different materials, sizes, capacities,
and designs. No matter how you’re planning to use your casters, there’s one out
there that fits your project. For many people, the choice boils down to one
question: should you get a swivel caster or rigid caster?The answer depends on several factors such as the space you’re
working in, the frequency of us…

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20th Apr 2021

​Different Types of Brakes for Locking Casters

Different Types of Brakes for Locking CastersEquipment such as racks, carts, and worktables often come with heavy-duty locking casters to help with transportation. Locking casters keep these fixtures steady while they’re being used or loaded, so they won’t unexpectedly roll away and cause injuries or property damage. Before choosing a heavy-duty caster with brakes for your project or business, you…

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8th Apr 2021

​Choosing the Right Heavy Duty Caster. Are They Strong Enough?

Choosing the Right Heavy Duty Caster. Are They Strong Enough?If you operate in the industrial, medical, or commercial industry, you’ll know how challenging it is to move heavy equipment and machinery from one location to another. Aside from being time-consuming, this task can put your employees’ health and safety at risk. One of the smartest investments you can make as an entrepreneur is to buy a…

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8th Apr 2021

The Differences Between Rubber and Polyurethane Wheels

Between Rubber & Polyurethane WheelsRegardless if you’re
a manufacturing or industrial customer, moving heavy and bulky equipment from
one location to another can become a burden. Without the right tools, this task
will seem impossible to accomplish and might even cause injuries and accidents.
Fortunately, the probability of these occurrences from happening will decrease
when usi…

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8th Apr 2021

What Makes a Great Furniture Caster Wheel

What Makes a Great Furniture Caster WheelCaster wheels are sometimes
one of those things that are so important and valuable, you don’t even realize
it. In a few minutes, you can make your
sofa, table, or even dresser mobile. All you need is to get your trusty
screwdriver, attach a set of furniture caster wheels, and you are done.With caster wheels
installed, you can easily reconfigure your h…

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21st Jan 2021

Types of Brakes to Consider in Locking Casters

of Brakes to Consider in Locking CastersCasters incorporate a number of features
and this is what makes them better than simple wheels. Among such features
include braking and locking mechanisms. In casters, the terms brakes and locks
are used interchangeably and actually refer to stopping the wheel, the swivel,
or both. The casters which incorporate either one
of these mechanisms are…

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