Face recognition door lock – how it works

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Burglar tries to enter home

How to secure your windows from burglars

Like all people, a thief will likely prefer a door to enter your home because it’s less suspicious. You may not think twice upon seeing a person who opens a door, but someone hanging around a window might look strange. So don’t be fooled, an unsecured window can certainly be a potential entry point for unwanted guests. Understanding this will lead you to consider window protection on the same level as door entry point protection . Logically the easier it might be for the burglar to break into your house the more he is likely to use that potential even if entering a window is much more conspicuous. Security requires an integrated approach. Forgetting or neglecting one aspect of it, weakens the whole security plan. So, let’s see what you can do to make your windows as reliable as possible. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is always happy to help when it comes to your security!

opened exterior door

Home Security For Older People

We all want our home to be an impregnable castle. However, this goal may be harder to reach for the elderly. Older people may see the world as it was when they were young. They might not be aware of all the modern security possibilities. As many seniors live alone, they might become easy victims of burglars. That’s why it is essential to help them with home safety. Unfortunately, a break-in occurs every 26 seconds in the US. Moreover, homes with no security measures are five times more likely to become targets of criminals.
<a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a>, provides locksmith and security services, coast to coast, for more than 35 years. We have become very well versed in matters that pertain to making buildings safe and secure and have constantly developed our skills while helping thousands of customers. We would like to provide you with tips in order to best help those who are elderly in your life. The goal is to protect their homes against criminals and theft. Let’s take a quick look.

lock with biometric scanner

What is biometric security

Originally people thought that this methodology was extremely sci-fi and very complicated. This kind of security is based on people’s biometrics. In other words, it requires fingerprints, eye scans, or something else that makes each person unique thereby granting individualized, person to person, verification and access. It could even be facial recognition where you must put your face in front of the scanner. In situations where it’s a high-security building, the biometric technology may require more data about the person (the tone of their voice and even the manner in which you speak). However, believe it or not, this is only the tip of the iceberg. This kind of security has many features and details that owners may consider when picking the system that meets their needs. However, you don’t need to run through tons of content to find them all. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> has gathered all of the definitions, options and requirements necessary for you. So sit comfortably and keep reading this blog post to concisely and precisely discover more about biometric <a href="/security-services/">home security systems</a>.

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