Introducing Academy – Life Unlocked

It’s always the case that a duck appears effortless on water, while its feet are paddling like mad down below. And in a sense this is how we think of Klevio too. Because while using it is simple and intuitive, behind the scenes it relies on a complex network of interdependent systems to keep things ticking along.

Fairly often we are contacted by customers and other people interested in learning more about Klevio asking us questions about the more technical aspects of our product.

And while we’re always happy to explain the ins and outs of how Klevio works (heck, for some of our team, it’s one of their favourite pastimes), we began to wonder whether responding with dense, jargon-filled minutiae was the best way to deal with such enquiries. Then we hit on an idea: what if we created short, informative videos that showed viewers how specific elements of Klevio work?

So we decided to launch the Klevio Academy, a series of videos focusing on a particular feature or function, whether related to the installation process, the symbiosis between the device and our servers, or anything else.

And who better to present such videos than one of our very own Klevio installers? If you’ve already had Klevio installed, you may well have met Jack already. He’s not normally a fan of the limelight, but as you’ll discover, he took to the role like…well…a duck to water!

In our first episode, Jack demonstrates how an electric strike is fitted and works. We hope you find it informative – and if you’d like us to feature a specific topic in the future, let us know in the comments below, and we’ll add it to the list.

Stay tuned for the future episodes here.

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