Guide to architectural styles – what window for boho interiors?

Guide to architectural styles – what window for boho interiors?

blog Guide to architectural styles – what window for boho interiors? Guide to architectural styles – what window for boho interiors? blog | 13.06.2023 The boho style, also known as boho-chic, is an extremely popular decorative style that is characterised by freedom, creativity and a spirit of travel. It finds its way into both fashion…

How to Paint Timber Door? What to Look For? | Aikon Distributions-Blog

How to Paint Timber Door? What to Look For? | Aikon Distributions-Blog

blog Timber door paint Timber door paint blog | 03.03.2022 Timber door are a charming decoration of the facade of a house or the room they lead to. So, it's very important that they are always in perfect condition, properly maintained and well painted. Painting timber door can be really easy – especially if you…

ALU windows vs ecology

ALU windows vs ecology

blog ALU windows vs ecology ALU windows vs ecology blog | 02.06.2022 Windows are usually a purchase for many years. Choosing windows with appropriate parameters would be the right decision from the ecological point of view. Such windows will provide high level of performance for several decades and will have good influence on the environment….

Windows designed for assembly in the US. What certification is needed?

Windows designed for assembly in the US. What certification is needed?

blog Windows designed for assembly in the US. What certification is needed? Windows designed for assembly in the US. What certification is needed? blog | 18.12.2023 European windows, windows manufactured in Poland, are becoming increasingly popular in the US. Why? After all, it is America that is famous for its innovative achievements. However, when it…

Timber panel doors

Timber panel doors

blog Timber panel doors Timber panel doors blog | 05.01.2023 Timber panel doors are one type of timber door sash. Timber doors, like windows or other elements visible from the exterior, are the hallmark of our house. To ensure that its aesthetics are not disturbed, they have to correspond in colour and style to the…