How to Get to the Extras on ‘Inside The Anarchist’s Tool Chest’ DVD &#8211

How to Get to the Extras on ‘Inside The Anarchist’s Tool Chest’ DVD &#8211

Customers are starting to receive our new DVD “Inside the Anarchist’s Tool Chest” and here are some answers to some common questions. 1. Will this DVD be available through other retailers? Yes. We are working on that right now. Lie-Nielsen has agreed to carry it and we are shipping them a box today. 2. Will…

On Locks &#8211

On Locks &#8211

As I finished up building my tool chest for “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest,” I struggled with the idea of installing a lock on the lid. Most tool chests have locks. The lock – and the sheer weight of the chest – are an ingenious pre-Industrial Revolution security system. But I don’t like locks. Never have….