About the Obscure, Narrow and Nichey ‘Campaign Style’ &#8211

About the Obscure, Narrow and Nichey ‘Campaign Style’ &#8211

Several of my friends and colleagues have been surprised by how well our new book, “Campaign Furniture,” has been selling. “That’s amazing,” they say, “for a style of furniture that is so ____________ .” Fill in the blank with any word that is a synonym for “obscure.” The truth is that campaign furniture has been…

‘Campaign Furniture’ for Sale Around the World &#8211

‘Campaign Furniture’ for Sale Around the World &#8211

Our latest letterpress bookplate design from http://www.steamwhistlepress.com/ “Campaign Furniture” has broken all of our sales records here at Lost Art Press, which has made it difficult for our fulfillment service to keep up (don’t worry, they are only a day or two behind). And we’ve just about run out of signed letterpress bookplates (don’t worry,…

A Speckled Ax &#8211

A Speckled Ax &#8211

…I entered upon the execution of this plan for self examination, and continued it with occasional intermissions for some time. I was surprised to find myself so much fuller of faults than I had imagined; but I had the satisfaction of seeing them diminish. To avoid the trouble of renewing now and then my little…