Showtime! When it comes to viewing properties, estate agents discover is the star of the show – Life Unlocked

As estate agents will tell you, renting and selling property is a numbers game. The more people you can show a property to, the greater the chances of getting an offer. But the challenge for estate agents is that getting people to come and view isn’t always easy and, perhaps a little surprisingly, keys can be a significant obstacle.

In fact, handling physical keys is one of the biggest challenges facing estate agents. Aside from the obvious issues around making sure they don’t get lost or fall into the wrong hands, there’s the less obvious point that keys can never be in more than one place at any one time, hence why most estate agents require multiple sets.

Time and money wasted

This issue was experienced by a Klevio customer recently, who was trying to let her flat in North London. She listed it with two different estate agents, both of which had multiple branches covering her geography, but she only had one set of keys to give to each of them. Without Klevio she would have had no choice but to get extra keys cut (at a cost of £8 per key) and sought permission from her building manager first.

If she’d only had physical keys then every time an agent wanted to show her flat, he or she would have had to:

  1. Find a time when no other agents from any of the other branches would be showing it, so the keys were actually available
  2. Make sure that time also worked for the prospective tenant
  3. Collect the keys from the branch where they were held
  4. Show the property
  5. Return the keys to the holding branch
  6. Head back to their own office

All of which would have been a major hassle, before you even factor in parking and traffic.

Enter Klevio

But having Klevio really changed the game, not just for our customer but also the estate agents she was using. Klevio is basically a smart intercom which allows you to answer and open doors from anywhere in the world. With Klevio installed, private and communal doors can both be unlocked by swiping on digital keys in Klevio’s app. Our customer chose to share digital keys with a handful of the agents she knew and trusted and for the others, she simply buzzed them in via her app whenever they arrived at her property with prospective tenants.   

With physical keys redundant, her agents weren’t wasting time driving between offices to pick up her keys and drop them off again, and that time was instead spent showing her properties to more prospective tenants. She found they were able to arrange almost double the number of viewings in a day simply because of the time saved not having to retrieve and return keys. It also made after work and evening viewings much easier too – a massive benefit to busy prospective buyers and tenants.  

And this huge increase in the number of views also meant she was able to secure a tenant much quicker, which was good news for all concerned when time is money.  

So if you’re an estate agent managing lettings, why not get in touch today to see how Klevio can unlock even greater value for your business?

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