The Campaign Continues &#8211


With “Campaign Furniture” shipping out of the warehouse (we should be current on orders by Monday), one would think I am sick of the style. Or that at least I would take a break.

Quite the opposite. When I finished my first book on workbenches in 2007, I plowed forward with research into other forms, which continues to this day. When I finished “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” in 2011, I built smaller chests, experimented with different tool-holding doo-dads and explored two Dutch versions.

So right now I’m building another folding bookcase, measuring my Douro chair and playing with a folding stool that I’ll be posting a video of soon. The stool is small enough to fit into a purse. Or my man-bag.

The folding bookcase (detail shown above), will be featured in a future issue of Popular Woodworking Magazine and is different than the one in my book. The new one is mahogany, has glass doors and has cool sawtooth shelf standards.

I hadn’t made this style of shelf standard before, and so I fretted about the angles, but they turned out to be so easy that a mouth-breather could do it, and they work very well. I’ll detail the process in the article and will be using these in future projects.

Sorry for the lame blog topic today – I was expecting an important package and I missed the mailman. So until tomorrow…. Or Saturday after Jeff’s posts.

— Christopher Schwarz

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