​The Understated Role of Casters in the Food Service Industry

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​The Understated Role of Casters in the Food Service Industry

In the food industry, operations managers supervise and improve an extensive range of business components, including quality, scheduling, and costs. Often, these professionals overlook the crucial role of food service casters in their success. As with any piece of equipment, the right one can do wonders for any company.

Heavy-duty food service caster wheels have many applications, from trolleys to racks to conveyor belts. The right ones can simplify business processes.

Read on to learn about the essentials of buying casters for food service companies, including equipment requirements, the benefits of selecting the right ones, and picking the best ones for your business.

Equipment Requirements in Food Service

The most critical factor in food industry equipment is being able to handle extreme temperatures, ranging between -18°C for commercial freezers to 170°C for bakery rack ovens.

Of course, this requirement includes casters and wheels that allow maximum mobility for various equipment. Those not resistant to extreme temperatures may be subject to thermal shock — a condition caused by rapid temperature changes. This could lead to roll resistance, corrosion, and noise.

Additionally, operations managers should consider an area’s sanitation. When you choose the wrong equipment and parts, chemical cleaners might cause them to deteriorate, rust, or gather buildup.

If you choose the wrong food service equipment, you compromise your team’s safety and comfort. For instance, moving heavy loads with faulty casters may cause back injuries or strain. On the other hand, the ideal tools should help you further enhance your business processes.

Benefits of Food Service Casters

Contrary to popular belief, there are no one-size-fits-all caster solutions. There are many factors to consider in choosing the ideal one for you, including weight, material, and movement type. Below are the benefits of picking food service casters.

Extreme Temperature Resistant

With top-quality food service casters, you won’t have to worry about thermal shock. They can withstand extreme temperatures, from the coldest to the hottest environments. If you find yourself replacing your casters or wheels at least once a week, you’re most likely using the wrong types for your equipment.


As you know, the food service industry takes cleanliness seriously because of potential health hazards. Your equipment — including casters — should pass rigorous inspections. Because subpar equipment can put you out of business for a while (or even permanently), it’s best to invest in those that guarantee a sanitary environment.

If you use the right types of food service casters, you will notice that they are easy to clean and can withstand chemical cleaners. This feature prevents bacteria buildup that creates unsafe and dirty workplace conditions.


With the ideal food service casters, you won’t have to worry about exposure to virtually any material, from water to food particles to drink products. If you don’t overload or misuse them, these stain-resistant and rust-resistant tools can last for years.

Choosing the Ideal Casters

Whether you work in a commercial kitchen or a home kitchen, picking the ideal casters can enhance your business operations. Now that you know how crucial casters are to your business, here’s a guide to choosing the best ones.


We recommend using chrome or stainless-steel casters for trolleys, carts, and other such equipment. These materials help prevent thermal shock, wash-downs, and rust. Additionally, they minimize instances of operator fatigue.

Caster Movement

There are two types of caster movement: swivel and rigid. Swivel casters allow users to turn corners and move sideways. On the other hand, rigid casters only let users move back and forth in a straight line.

We recommend using swivel casters for mobile applications such as trolleys and carts. For equipment requiring minimal movement such as bakery racks, we recommend using rigid casters.

Load Weight

In most cases, larger casters and wheels can handle more weight. Make sure these equipment parts can support the load you want to carry. Using the wrong casters and wheels is a recipe for disaster that can cause damages and injuries in the workplace.

Add-On Features

Before making a purchase, ask specialists about add-on features. For example, at LINCO, we offer food service casters with the following features:

●A chrome-plated fork for maximum rust-resistance

●Sidelock breaks that prevent equipment from rolling

●Dust caps that prevent dust and debris from getting into the ball bearings

Enhance Your Operations Now

If you want to enhance your operations, choose heavy-duty food service caster wheels to handle your specific requirements. To find the best ones for hotels, restaurants, bakeries, and other food service companies, get in touch with our specialists now or call us at 866-306-9566. 

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