Ulbrich Coronavirus Update (April 27, 2020)


Ulbrich Coronavirus Update (April 27, 2020)

Dear Valued Ulbrich Customer,

I sincerely hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy during these most challenging times. I would like to take this opportunity to provide you with an update on the status of our operations here at Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc.

As you know, the pandemic is a fluid situation. Since we are considered an essential business, our plan is to keep all Ulbrich production facilities safely operating during the pandemic. Every Ulbrich division is operational and we continue to produce for our customers. Our colleagues in Canada, Mexico, Austria, and here in the United States have persevered and continue to satisfy customer requirements.

When the threat of COVID-19 became apparent in March of 2020, Ulbrich quickly held employee communication meetings to address the COVID-19 challenges, policy changes, best practices and next steps. Ulbrich management has been keeping up to date with all government issued guidelines and best practices from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Our main goal is to keep our employees safe and healthy. That is why we were quick to implement new safety, hygiene and social distancing measures on the job. We are also requiring the wearing of masks at all locations as mandated by many State Governments (including Connecticut). As a point of interest, we did have one employee at our Ulbrich Shaped Wire operation in North Haven, CT, test positive for COVID-19. In response, Ulbrich promptly shut down the two wire facilities for several days while industrial hygiene experts promptly disinfected and sanitized both facilities. Since then, we have reopened both wire facilities.

In terms of business activity, Ulbrich continues to serve a very diverse array of markets. Again, I would like to thank all of our customers and vendors who have given us feedback and updates on their situations. We still believe that by the end of the second quarter, we should see more business recovery.

In closing, we have been in business for 96 years — we’ve weathered the Great Depression and the Great Recession, and we will win this battle too. We encourage you to continue to stay strong, work together, and remain focused on the tasks before us as we navigate through this tremendous challenge. Stay safe and healthy, and once again, thank you for placing your trust in Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc.

Chris Ulbrich
Chief Executive Officer
Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc.

If you are a COVID-19 critical response medical manufacturer and need metal strip or wire for your application, tell us about your needs!

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