Video: Letterpress Poster on Press &#8211

Today I spent some time with the crew (OK, Brian and his mom) at Steamwhistle Letterpress as the pair worked through the second day of pressing our forthcoming construction print of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”

If all goes well, we should have the 1,000 prints by Monday. Then I’ll sign them, we’ll get them to Indianapolis for fulfillment and then put them on the website. When I know the date they will go on sale (for $20 each, which includes domestic shipping), I’ll post it here.

If you are in England or Europe and want this poster, send a note to Classic Hand Tools. They will be selling part of our stock of these prints (these will be signed as well). We might have another international retailer on board with these posters. So stay tuned.

The posters look fantastic. And watching the press is mesmerizing, so I shot this short film of Brian and his mom in action.

— Christopher Schwarz

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