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14th Jun 2021

The Usage and Functionality of Lumber Carts | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

The Usage and Functionality of Lumber CartsDoes your business involve using, storing, and transporting a
lot of wood? Instead of requiring more people to manage, transfer, and organize
your products, take advantage of lumber carts to achieve a high level of
efficiency and productivity. In the following article, we will present the different uses and
functionality of lumber carts. If you want t…

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14th Jun 2021

​What Are Industrial Casters? | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

What Are Industrial Casters?Industrial casters make strenuous lifting, carrying, and holding
more convenient for individuals who move loads manually. With a diverse
selection of casters in the market, users sometimes mistake them for
institutional, furniture, and consumer casters. However, each caster is
different from the other and has specific uses. Manufacturers design industrial castersto…

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28th May 2021

How To Use a Pallet Jack Correctly | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

How To Use a Pallet Jack CorrectlyPallet jacks, also called pallet trucks, are crucial tools in
handling and transporting heavy loads. Without them, some repetitive tasks
become tedious and accident-prone. Many business owners instantly think of
forklifts when discussing handling equipment, but pallet jacks are more
affordable and easier to operate. Pallet trucks are ideal for businesses that…

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28th May 2021

​How to Use an Appliance Hand Truck Safely | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

How to Use an Appliance Hand Truck SafelyAppliance hand trucks help you handle large and bulky items. You
can use it to transport refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, and other
heavy appliances. It has several distinct features that separate it from
regular hand trucks. It’s the item to use if you are on the move.However, there is a proper way to use an appliance hand truck.
Following thes…

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28th May 2021

Who Invented Furniture Casters | LINCO Casters & Industrial Supply

Who Invented Furniture Casters?Moving bulky items around the home and in the workplace is
always easier thanks to the wheels that are attached to what we are moving
around. We often credit the wheel for allowing us to transport furniture and
other bulky things faster.But the wheels are just one aspect. Forks or Rigs are the component
that attaches the wheels to the thing we need to move.To get…

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20th Apr 2021

USA vs. Imported Casters

vs. Imported CastersCasters allow for efficient transportation of large items and
are commonly used on furniture and equipment. Its roller mechanism has improved
over the years in terms of durability, material, and function. A broken or
malfunctioning caster can lead to tedious times.Casters give mobility to otherwise immobile items. It helps many
establishments, industries, and businesse…

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