Clamp for Doors &#8211

From W.H.C., Tenn.–I inclose you here with a sketch of my clamp bench for clamping doors, sash, blinds or any other work that requires to be held in the same general manner. I have been using a bench of this description for some 24 years, and have found it quite satisfactory. It is made of hard oak, well seasoned and well put up. The size of stuff or clamp is 3 x 5 inches. The height is 2 feet, and of course may be made to any length required. A tenon on the end of the top of bench is made to go through the jaw, in order to keep the latter from working either right or left. A groove extends lengthwise of the top one-half inch deep and 1 inch wide, in which a tongue on the slide fits. The strap of the slide is made of eighth inch by 1 ¼-inch iron, with half-inch round iron pins riveted in. The small sketch shows the general construction of the slide.

Carpentry and Building – November, 1880

– Jeff Burks

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