The Making of the Plates for ‘The Anarchist’s Design Book’ &#8211

Briony Morrow-Cribbs from Christopher Schwarz on Vimeo.

The 12 handmade plates of the furniture pieces in “The Anarchist’s Design Book,” are – hands down – my favorite part of the entire project. Though they occupy 12 pages of the 456 pages between the book’s hardcovers, the plates took as long to produce as the words.

To give you a look at the process, I asked my cousin Jessamyn West to produce a short film on the work of copperplate artist Briony Morrow-Cribbs, who made the plates. Jessamyn brought along my aunt Liz West and James Poolner to help with the filming and photography.

The five-minute film takes you through the mechanical process of making a plate and starts after the illustration has been completed, which itself is a detailed and laborious task.

I hope you enjoy this brief look at an interesting hand process.

If you’d like to meet Briony and get a good look at her plates, stop by the Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event on March 12 at Braxton Brewing Co. She’ll be there signing books in the late afternoon for a bit, and she will be at the book-release party at our storefront later that evening.

One last thing: If you want “The Anarchist’s Design Book” with a free pdf download, you have until Monday, Feb. 15, to order. After that day, the price for the bundle of the book plus the pdf will go up.

— Christopher Schwarz

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