The Most 5 Common Asked Locksmith Questions – Keytek Academy

5 most common asked questions about locksmiths5 most common asked questions about locksmiths

As an unregulated industry which encompasses a range of different services, needing a Locksmith can leave customers with different questions and doubts about choosing the right one and what services they need. As a Locksmith you will have a huge role in providing security knowledge and advice, so understanding what the most commonly asked questions of a Locksmith are will help you to provide better information to your customers to build trust.

This blog will take you through the most 5 commonly asked questions of Locksmiths by customers and how to deal with them.

1.      Can Locksmiths Open Cars and Safes?

Customers often don’t realise that Locksmithing is a term that covers a range of different specialities and services. So, one of the most commonly asked questions a customer will ask you as a Locksmith is whether you can do more than one type of service, such as opening cars and safes.

The services you offer as a Locksmith will be dependent on your experience and training and whilst you might have some basic experience, it’s always best to confirm what the customer wants before committing to the job.

For example, if customers require a Locksmith who can offer a full range of auto locksmithing services and you don’t provide that service, it’s best to point them in the direction of an auto Locksmith specialist and only offer to help with services you specialise in.

Whilst in the customer’s mind it could be a case of “it’s all locks and keys, so any Locksmith could do it”, it’s always best to be honest and upfront about what services you do or don’t provide.

2.      Are your Quotes Estimated or Fixed?

The second most commonly asked question you will certainly get asked as a Locksmith is whether your quoting is estimated or fixed.

This is a crucial question for your customer and is the first opportunity you will have to build trust and confidence with them.  Some Locksmiths quote and all in fixed price whilst some charge an hourly labour rate and offer their customer a rough quotation, either way being up front and consistent with your pricing is essential to providing the best possible Locksmith services.

When a customer asks you about your pricing it’s always best to consider:

  • The time of day that you are being called out for a job – does the time of day or if it’s on a weekend effect your pricing?

  • What is the service they are asking you to provide? Will it require parts / materials, how expensive will the parts be?

  • Are they asking for a specific lock type or security level – will this effect your pricing for the service?

3.      Is it Better to Hire a Locksmith or try DIY?

The third most commonly asked question Locksmiths will face from customers is if they are actually needed. Customers will wonder whether it’s worth it to hire a locksmith or do they just try to DIY it first, however should something go wrong it could cost a lot more in the long run.

Explaining to your customer the benefits of hiring a Locksmith and the potential drawbacks of going down the DIY route are an essential part of building trust with customers. Some of the relevant points could be:

  • Your experience – as a Locksmith, you have training and experience to fit or repair a lock properly.

  • Safety and additional security – installing locks and other security products in a home is important aspect of home security, if these are installed wrong then it could leave the house unsecured and render the extra security ineffective.

  • Advice – as a locksmith, you can provide your customers with advice on how to maintain their doors and locks to avoid any further issues along with fixing all their problems.

4.      Can Locksmiths be Trusted?

The fourth most commonly asked question is whether Locksmiths can be trusted. Just like any other industry, there have been Locksmith scams in the past. As an unregulated industry there is little to show customers what qualifies you as a professional Locksmith so the question from customer is very important.

There are a few ways in which you can build your customer’s trust in your ability to provide unmatched services:

  • Reviews and online reputation
  • Regular DBS (formerly CRB) Checks
  • Locksmith Accreditation or Qualification

5.      Can Locksmiths Make Keys from a Lock?

Last but not least, many customers will ask a Locksmith to make keys from a lock. This is something that can be done, either by taking apart the lock and creating a key from the components inside or by making an impression of what the key should look like. Either way this service requires an immense level of skill and expertise.

Whilst you might be able to offer this service, it’s important to consider why a customer might be asking for this service and the security implications should they have lost their keys. It can also often be more effective for the customer to just have the lock itself replaced.

Looking for a Locksmith Academy?

The Keytek® Locksmiths Training Academy is an industry leader in expertise and Locksmith training. Completing your Locksmith Qualification with Keytek® at our state of the art training academy ensures you will gain the highest Locksmith education possible by industry experts. This Locksmith course is the perfect start to your career in the Locksmith industry!

We have Locksmith courses to suit everyone, whether new to the industry or a seasoned professional looking to sharpen your skills. Take a look at all of our Locksmith courses we offer here!

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