A Craft Linking Thought, Knowledge and Action &#8211

A Craft Linking Thought, Knowledge and Action &#8211

‘Deduction’ (Bruges, 1467-1468), University of Cambridge Nn.3.2 Sometime between 1463-1464 George Chastellain, Jean de Montferrant and Jean Robertet exchanged poems and epistles that eventually became a manuscript titled, ‘Les Douze Dames de Rhétorique’ (The Twelve Ladies of Rhetoric). Each branch of rhetoric features a poem and the image of a women symbolizing the branch. The…

Some Interesting Lesser Used Joints &#8211

Some Interesting Lesser Used Joints &#8211

FIG. 1. CROSS HALVING JOINT WITH HOUSED SHOULDERS. This is an excerpt from “The Woodworker: The Charles H. Hayward Years: Volume III” published by Lost Art Press.  CROSS HALVING WITH HOUSED SHOULDERS The cross-halving joint, with notched or housed shoulders (Fig. 1), is only rarely used in actual practice. In ecclesiastical woodwork it is occasionally seen on a cross, and…

Death by Roubo &#8211

Death by Roubo &#8211

For those readers who are squeamish or easily offended, stop reading now. For the rest of you, here is a little nugget of workbench history unearthed by Jeff Burks. It was published in the April 5, 1903, edition of the French illustrated newspaper Le Petit Parisien. Headlined: “Un étrange suicide,” it detailed the odd suicide…