Screwdrivers &#8211

Screwdrivers &#8211

Archimedes is credited with the invention of the screw, but whether the famous geometrician’s labours extended much further than the enunciation of the scientific principles and the mechanical power of the screw, it is difficult to say. If he made a screw, he certainly must have tried its effect, and was probably well satisfied with…

kitchen trash &#8211

kitchen trash &#8211

The contents of our trash receptacles say a lot about us. I drink Twining’s English breakfast tea, have a AAA membership, and eat the occasional Boca Burger. No matter how many years of experience you have at your craft, you can’t afford to stop learning. Kitchen cabinet making is viewed as an inferior form of…

Glue &#8211

Glue &#8211

Time has proved that when parts are glued with the best of glue, used according to well-known rules by first-class mechanics, the pieces will not come apart during reasonable wear. We have seen coach bodies built over one hundred years ago, and a great deal longer, where the panels would stick to the framing and…