The Baily Family of Chester County, Pennsylvannia &#8211

The Baily Family of Chester County, Pennsylvannia &#8211

Queen Anne walnut secretary desk, 1747, by Joel Baily (3rd gen). 84-1/4″ high, writing height 36-1/4″, depth of desk 20-5/8″, depth of bookcase 8-3/4″. Joel Baily of Bromham, Wiltshire, England arrived in Chester County around 1682. Nine of his descendants are listed in “Furniture and Its Makers of Chester County, Pennsylvannia” by Margaret Berwind Schiffer…

Get a job. &#8211

Get a job. &#8211

Prior to my most valuable education. Every so often someone contacts me to ask for advice about quitting a day job and going into furniture making as a full-time endeavor. They’ve taken some classes and built some pieces — sometimes eye-poppingly impressive ones — on their own time. Some have had paid commissions and amassed…

Two Short Stories: Renaissance Hijinks and a Nova Scotia Legend &#8211

Two Short Stories: Renaissance Hijinks and a Nova Scotia Legend &#8211

Agostino Ramelli’s 16th-century book wheel. If you are looking for some light reading to add to your digital book wheel I have two short stories for you featuring woodworkers. The first story, from 15th-century Italy, is “La novella del grasso legnajuolo” (The Story of the Fat Woodworker). The story was discovered by Andrea, a farmer…