The ISO 3269:2019 Standard: What's New?

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Today we want to talk about the main new features of the ISO 3269:2019 standard (replacing the 2002 version), which deals with acceptance testing. Let’s see together what it is all about!

The ISO 3269 standard: what does it define in short?

The standard defines the acceptance test procedure to be carried out by the client if no other procedure is agreed. In addition, the ISO 3269 standard also defines the reference acceptance procedure in order to determine whether a batch of fasteners is accepted or rejected. This is the case if no other similar procedure has been agreed with the supplier when ordering such elements.


What is new in ISO 3269:2019?

Compared to the previous edition, the following news have been made:

  • Introduction of an additional approach for incoming inspections with lower sample numbers on the basis of NA = 0N1.
  • Recourse to arbitration in case of failure to reach agreement
  • Number of samples determined on the basis of batch size
  • Addition of an informative A and B annex, where the basis for the selection of the number of samples is explained.


The ISO 3269:2019 standard: stakeholders and testing.

The fastener manufacturer should take precautions during production, using process monitoring (see ISO 16426). This is to reduce the likely to produce parts which do not meet the requirements of the standard or the technical specifications which describe them. Each fastener must meet all specified requirements, except in mass production where this is not guaranteed.


The purchaser must therefore decide whether it is reasonable to assume that the supplied fasteners are manufactured according to specifications.


Both the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier must have a clear understanding of the test procedure for acceptance of the attributes of a fastener lot inspection (always taking into account its limitations) by the buyer. In this document, a test procedure is described for use by the purchaser without prior agreement. This acceptance test cannot demonstrate with absolute certainty that no deviating connecting elements are present in a production batch. According to this document, on the other hand, if a batch is accepted on the basis of acceptable quality limit values (AQL), this does not mean that the supplier has the right to knowingly deliver different fasteners. Furthermore, in this fourth edition, a more gradual approach to the acceptance test of the input is introduced, this starting with smaller sample sizes in combination with a sampling instruction based on Ac=0

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