The Case for No-kill Mutton Tallow &#8211

The Case for No-kill Mutton Tallow &#8211

During my travels, I’ve met lots of vegetarian woodworkers. And their No. 1 complaint about the woodworking industry is how sheep must be slaughtered to lubricate hand woodworking tools. Yes, the mighty paraffin/home canning industry has tried to provide an ethical substitute called Gulf Wax – the tofurky of the tool-lubrication world. But nothing compares…

New England Planted, Prospered, Declining, Threatnd, Punished &#8211

New England Planted, Prospered, Declining, Threatnd, Punished &#8211

Beyond the great Atlantick flood There is a region vast, A country where no English foot In former ages past: A waste and howling wilderness, Where none inhabited But hellish fiends, and brutish men That Devils worshiped. This region was in darkness plac’t Far off from heavens light, Amidst the shaddows of grim death And…