The Principal Stones Used in the Mechanical Arts &#8211

The Principal Stones Used in the Mechanical Arts &#8211

The Thanks of the Society were voted to R. Knight, Esq., for a Collection of Hone-Stones and Grind-Stones, presented by him; together with the following Descriptive Catalogue of them. Sir,                                                                                                                                Foster Lane. In compliance with your request, I have sent, for the Society’s acceptance, a collection of all the principal stones used in the mechanical…

Farmhouse Style &#8211

Farmhouse Style &#8211

One of the kitchens among those in the book I’m writing for Lost Art Press is in a newly built house on a hilltop in a spectacular rural location. When the clients first contacted me about their kitchen, they described the architectural character of the house as “farmhouse style.” But their architect’s drawings – beautiful…